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Evictions Simplified: Essential Steps for Landlords to Follow in Boise

Evictions Simplified: Essential Steps for Landlords to Follow in Boise

Every year, about 2.7 million households in the US are served eviction filings and many of these present challenges.

Having to evict a tenant is rarely simple, and you're likely to be met with resistance. It's important to make sure you understand eviction laws and how the process works. An in-depth knowledge of evictions will help you conduct them with as few issues as possible.

In this guide, we'll go over how evictions work in Boise so you can better prepare yourself. Keep reading for more.

Eviction Reason

Before starting the eviction process, you'll need to determine if you have a reasonable cause, and this is quite possible if you don't have quality tenants. One of the most common reasons landlords evict tenants is nonpayment of rent.

If your tenant has failed to pay, you can issue a three-day notice to pay or quit. They then have three days to either pay what they owe or vacate the property. If they don't do either, you can file for an eviction.

You may also be able to evict a tenant if they violate lease terms. You can start by issuing the same three-day notice. If the tenant's lease has expired but they haven't left the property, you can issue a 30-day notice to quit. A property management company can help you deal with evictions to ensure everything goes as smoothly as possible.

Issuing an Eviction Notice

The process officially starts when you first issue a written eviction notice. This notice should clearly explain the reason for the eviction along with how long they have to rectify the issue and the date by which they must leave if they don't.

This notice should be delivered in person to the tenant or any adult resident. Alternatively, it can be sent via certified email.

Filing an Eviction Lawsuit

Ideally, the tenant will rectify the issue or vacate the property. If they don't, you can file an eviction lawsuit or "unlawful detainer" suit. You'll do this with your local court and the tenant will receive a summons and complaint that explains their eviction along with the court hearing date.

Court Hearing and Judgement

You'll have a court hearing during which you and the tenant can present your cases. The judge will make a decision, and if it's in your favor, a Writ of Restitution will be issued. The tenant will then have a set timeframe to vacate the property (typically 72 hours).

Executing the Eviction

At this point, most tenants will leave the property on their own. If they don't you can request assistance from your local sheriff's office. They'll then remove the tenant and all of their belongings.

Professional Assistance With Evictions

Evictions can get very messy, so it can be best to get help from a professional. A property manager can handle evictions on your behalf so you don't have to worry about them. They have the right experience and expertise to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Wave Property Management offers a full range of real estate management services throughout Boise, ID. Our team has over 50 years of combined experience and we maintain an occupancy rate of 96% in the properties we manage.

Take a look at our services page for more information on how we can help you with your investment journey.
