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How to Find the Best Property Manager: 9 Factors to Consider

How to Find the Best Property Manager: 9 Factors to Consider

In this blog post, we share the top 9 things to keep in mind when looking for a property manager in the Boise area.

Hiring the right person is crucial when it comes to managing your investments. Keep these tips in mind when shopping for a PM (property manager):

1. Experience

Property management is a specialized field, so make sure the manager you're considering has relevant experience in managing the type of property you own, such as single-family homes, apartments, or commercial buildings.

2. Reputation

Research the property manager's reputation by perusing online reviews and checking with the local Better Business Bureau.

3. Communication Skills

 Good communication skills are critical for effective property management. The manager should be responsive, approachable, and able to keep you informed of any important issues or developments. This is one of the most important qualifications, and if you feel information is being withheld from you in any way, find someone else.

*TIP* A great way to filter through your options, is to investigate your prospective PM by asking around the properties that they manage. Ask tenants if feel they receive courteous and timely communication from that property manager.

4. Financial Management

Ensure the PM has experience with financial management, including setting rental rates, collecting rent, and handling expenses. A background in bookkeeping doesn't hurt either.

5. Maintenance and Repairs

 A PM should have a network of trusted vendors and contractors to handle maintenance and repairs promptly and efficiently. Ask to see a list of their vendors.

6. Legal Compliance

The manager should have a solid understanding of the latest landlord-tenant laws, fair housing regulations, and health and safety requirements in Boise.

7. Marketing and Advertising

 A good property manager should be able to market and advertise your property effectively to attract high-quality tenants.

8. Technology

In today's digital age, a property manager must be proficient in using technology to streamline property management tasks and keep you informed. If a manager you are investigating still uses paper trails, they cannot offer you the amenities designed to make your life a stress free experience.

9. Customer Service

Your property manager should provide excellent customer service to both you and your tenants. This includes responding promptly to any questions or concerns, and handling any disputes fairly and efficiently.

The best Boise Property Management services are experienced, reputable, and equipped with the right tools  to effectively manage your property.

By keeping these factors in mind, you can find a property manager who will help you maximize the return on your investment while minimizing the stress and hassle of property ownership.
