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Service vs Emotional Support Animals: Boise Laws & Pet Guidelines

Service vs Emotional Support Animals: Boise Laws & Pet Guidelines

Pet ownership in Boise is a bargain. It's the least expensive city in America when looking only at the essentials. Dog food costs only $106 per year.

Landlords in Boise should expect to get plenty of renters who have animals. The complicated part is that not all of them are just for companionship.

They may be necessary for the 22 million adults ages 18-64 who are living with disabilities. Turning them away because of their animal can lead to a discrimination suit.

Read on to learn the differences between pets, service animals, and emotional support animals.

What Are Service Animals?

Service animals are trained to perform specific tasks for those with a disability. They help protect them or do things they struggle to do themselves.

Examples include:

  • Guide dogs
  • Hearing dogs
  • Mobility dogs
  • Seizure alert dogs
  • Allergen alert dogs

What Are Emotional Support Animals?

Emotional support animals are prescribed by a licensed medical health professional. Their comforting presence can reduce the symptoms of various mental or psychiatric disabilities.

Examples of these conditions include:

  • PTSD
  • Anxiety
  • Depression

What Are The Differences?

Service and emotional support animals fit under the umbrella of assistance animals. They're all exempt from no-pet policies or any pet rents or fees.

Service animal laws say they must be allowed to live with or travel with their owners. They can go almost anywhere with them. Emotional support animal regulations in Idaho are a bit more restrictive but do let them come into many public places.

The major difference between service animals and pets is their training. Service dogs are trained to perform specific tasks for their owners. Pets and emotional support animals are not.

There are also differences in what type of species they can be. Boise animal laws say that only dogs can be service animals. Emotional support animals or pets can be almost anything within reason.

How to Handle Tenants With Animals

Set up a clear pet policy for all applicants. Those with assistance animals aren't bound to any restrictions or fees within it. They are still required to control and clean up after their animal and can be evicted for not doing so.

Screen tenants with service or emotional support animals the same way you would those with pets. Interview them to check for signs of aggression or poor training.

Emotional support animal regulations have become more strict over the years. That's because of a rise in tenants passing off pets as service dogs to sideline no-pet policies. Landlords can't demand proof they're needed for a disability, but it does help to validate that they're not just a pet.

How to Handle Other Difficult Renting Decisions

The decision of whether or not to allow pets is complicated by the existence of service and emotional support animals. They're trained to help those with disabilities. Knowing the differences helps you protect your investment without overstepping the law.

Wave Property Management has been the premier provider in Boise for over a decade. We handle rent collection, tenant placement, and more.

We do it all with a focus on creating positive relationships and increasing earnings for clients. Contact us to see how our services can help you achieve your investment goals today.
